Gmail provide one features named as gmail lab u can go to u r lab features by singing in your account and after that see upper bar where u can find below image near your name that is small green icon click on that icon
after clicking that icon one pop up window will open and set lab features u want to set here i give some most important features.
1. Undo Send
This is a great feature. Just imagine this… you have to mail someone an important email and you type the email with some big typos in it. When you just begin to read your email you accidentally click the “Send” button and then you realize that there were some typos. With this labs feature you can cancel the email which is being sent or if it has been sent, you will have 30 seconds to undo this and then you can edit the email and send it with relief.
2. Inbox Preview
If your internet connection is slow, then this is a very useful feature for you. While loading Gmail, you will see a simple static preview of your inbox. You should definitely use this labs feature if your internet speed is slow.
3. Custom keyboard shortcuts
Gmail keyboard shortcuts is another great feature of Gmail. There are a lot of keyboard shortcuts but if you use this great feature, you can change the keyboard shortcuts to your comfort. This feature could make the use of Gmail very easy.
4. Mouse Gestures
You can use this as another shortcut for using Gmail. Use your mouse to navigate with gestures. Hold right-click and move the mouse left to go to a previous conversation, move it right to go to the next conversation, and move up to go back to the inbox view. Works best on Windows.
5. Message Translation
This is another important labs feature. If you have got an important email but it is in another language, you can use this labs feature to translate it to English or your preferred language. It use Google Translate for the translations.